Monday, December 4, 2006

Day Late? Dollar Short?

Not sure if this is technically a day late.. but I figure it is. Um.. I know that a few of you were having issues with viewing the posts in this way, but let me know if you're having troubles now, considering the first time I sent you the wrong address.

I know I promised pictures from a lot of things but I haven't seen Tom to get his, or Don to get his from skiing. The only pictures I have right now are from my cell phone, taken of the campus with all the snow. So yeah, here's that pic:

It's been a while since it snowed and my camera isn't the best.. but yeah. Last week was a bit crazy (what else is new, right?) and the next two should be just as much. I have three more assignments to complete this week and then I'm done for the semester. Just have to, you know, take all my finals. I've got my first final at 7am Monday morning. Whee. My other four are divided between Thursday and Friday mornings. Then, after finals, I get to go home to the Condo and veg on my couch for about two weeks, doing nothing in particular. Oh, and Christmas shop.

What are everyone's plans for Christmas? Anyone traveling anywhere exciting? I wanted to go to Dubai for my break but we could never work the dates out. My unfailing ability to get sick for the first week of any break I have severely limited when I could go.

I'm going to be honest with you guys, I'm runnin out of ideas here on what to write about.. um... I'm sitting in the College of Business at the moment, waiting for my last class of the day, then I gotta go grab Cait. I think today I'm going to challenge her to some sort of game, whether it be Mille Bournes or a video game... I took her sledding last week, after the big snow storm. I was hesitant at first but we both had a blast and froze our bums off. It took a while for the sledding to get good because we had to pack the snow down on our path, but once we did, we were flying. It got to the point where we were almost sliding into the lake that was at the bottom of the hill. I would have taken pictures of the fun with my phone, which I had only brought for emergencies.. but I dropped it in the snow and it froze, literally. I hadn't wanted to bring my camera because I was afraid I'd land on it. I had to pull her the last block home on the sleds (we had walked there) and then I made us hot chocolate with milk and real chocolate, not that powder junk.

Anyway, class is supposed to start soon and I need to get to work on finishing my java lab.. so yeah. Until next weekend (hopefully weekend).

Peace, Love and naps in class,

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