Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Incredible Edible Morning

I watched the Incredibles this morning. And ate an apple. That's what that subject means.

Well, it's official, I'm a 10 year old. Why am I a 10 year old? Because I fell off of my bunk bed last night. Yeah. Ow. I blame my mother, who called me when I was asleep and knowing that no one has my number that didn't know I would be a asleep, I figured I should answer the phone. Climbing down from a bunk bed to answer what you think might be an important phone call while having just woken up is not a good idea. Don't worry, I'm not too hurt, just a very bruised and stiff knee.

Well, I finished yet another book, four actually (not including Eragon) and now I would like to recommend the Chronicles of Narnia series to our readers with younger kids. I know the movie just came out, but I think the books are still worth a reading. This series would be more for kids that can handle things like war and things of the sort. I mean, it's not graphic or anything, but I'd still say 10 and up.

As those of you watching the Weather Channel might know, we've experienced some snow. It's started warming up and melting in the last couple of days, but Wednesday through Saturday was downright chilly. It dumped snow on us Wednesday night, so much so that I wasn't willing to risk my car driving to skating in it. So the gang, disappointed by my desire to not drive, decided they would put the snow to good use and use it for sledding. Now, as some of you might think obvious, college students don't usually keep sleds in their rooms. So what did the gang end up using? Why, cafeteria trays, of course. Rachel was sent to "retrieve" a number of trays from the only open dining hall at 9pm and they all went out to sled and snowtray (like snowboard, but with a tray). I didn't go as it was a Wednesday evening and I was exhausted, but I did get to see the amount of snow that they returned covered in. Needless to say, they had a blast.

Lately the girls (Rachel, Bria, Beth, and Tirrel) have been participating in the Independent Film Competition, so I haven't been seeing a lot of them. Fish is competing as well, with a group of guys from his hall. That has left Donovan and I to watch an absurd amount of Scrubs. I didn't think I'd ever say this, but I really wish that there had been fewer seasons of Scrubs. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love the show, but I just don't love it as much when I watch about 10 episodes of it a day.

When I'm not watching Scrubs I'm probably organizing my 50 GB of music, which sadly keep growing everyday. All in all, I'm really tired of looking at a computer screen for most hours of the day. Because of this, I'm going to cut this one off after just one more thing.

About three weeks ago, the gang and I all went to Colorado Springs. The attached pictures are all of us at the Garden of the Gods. I figure you guys should be able to figure out who everyone is, so yeah.

Peace, Love, and Slush,

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

This is a Yawn in Email Form

Good morning. If I could somehow send a yawn with this email, I surely would. I must apologize now for my language. I have been reading fantasy books this last week, and I fear the latest's vocabulary might be encroaching on my own. Actually, I'm fairly positive it has, reading that last sentence. Anyway, good morning and happy belated Valentine's Day. I hope that you had a pleasant holiday with your loved ones, I know I enjoyed mine.

A lot has happened in the past week that I think would be rather interesting to you, even more so if I had the fortune of having pictures. I sadly got Donovan hooked on Scrubs, so currently most of my evenings are filled with hospital jokes and staring at a screen. I've watched the entire series before, and while I do love it, I must admit that I would rather be wrapped up in a good book. Of course, if I'm not working, in class, or sleeping, I'm probably reading. I've really picked up in my reading this semester and have finished another book since the last email. I'm pretty sure I'll finish another today sometime.

While I know some of you may not have enjoyed my book review as others, I just want to put this out there: The DiscWorld series by Terry Prachett. I highly recommend it to Joel and Ryan, and whoever else that enjoys a good fantasy read that picks on everything possibly imaginable dealing with fantasy. The series so far includes about 15 books, and there are several different reading orders of the books. I have a suggested reading order chart, which I've attached to this email for those who are interested. I would say that the ages for this series would be about 15 up.

Anyway, so yes, my time has been consumed with reading (pleasure and homework), working (though not nearly as much as I should be), Ragnarok (level 48 Mage, go me), and entertaining tidbits in the past week. I think the most interesting, and slightly sickening event would be when Bria and I decided to make cookies and decorate them. Don't get me wrong, the cookies turned out great. The sickening part was all that sugar. I could only eat rice for dinner that night, I was so sugared out. We made chocolate chip and sugar cookies, and decorated ALL of them with frosting. It was whipped frosting and we added various food dyes so that we had colored and plain frosting. We also hand made the cookies into shapes so that in the end, we had, no lie, hearts, stars, horseshoes, clovers and blue moons. We also had some feet (thank you Rachel) and a few flowers (to that we owe Bria). I have a feeling we were loved by the office staff that day, and hated at the same time because the smell of fresh cookies was present for quite a while. Of course, we didn't offer them any... Oops. As well, being college students lacking a proper kitchen, we had to apply the frosting with fingers and everyone knows the natural response when one's fingers are coated in sweets: lick them. My head hurt so bad after an hour I couldn't speak straight. Everyone loved our cookies, though, and the two I had were great, though enough for sugar induced comas, I'm sure.

In an attempt to burn off all that sugar and improve my skating skills, I've started to skate at the University's in-line hockey rink. After perfecting my backwards skill, Bria and I discovered that we could rent hockey sticks and a ball from the Rec Center. Needless to say, we've been playing off and on all week. And I have yet to score on her as much as she on me. Oh, I can out skate her and maneuver and maintain the puck for longer. The problem is I'm a terrible shot. I'm talking missing the goal by feet, not inches. It's no wonder now why I was always defense.

Terrible transition here, but thank you everyone who sent me pictures this last week. And email in general. I have enjoyed them all and am sorry if I have not replied to you directly, but take comfort in the fact that I've replied to no one, heh. What can I say? I'm not a huge fan of email. I prefer the instant gratification of Instant Messaging and phone calls. Yes, I know it's terrible that email is too slow for me. Too bad, I'm a hip new age kid and that's the way it's going to be! Heh.

Alright, last bit, I swear. I know you're probably all wondering what I did on V-Day, but sadly, nothing really special. The only remotely special thing I did was swing into Safeway while running an errand for Tirrel and buy Valentines for my hall mates. I also gave some to my friends and put a bright blue horse tattoo on my forehead for a few hours yesterday. It's gone now, but I feel that it did it's job in making people wonder about my sanity. See, the Valentines I bought were pony ones, like elementary kids hand out, and each one had a pony temporary tattoo. How could I not apply one in a very obvious place? I mean, it's me. Also, the boys/men of Newsom (place I live, folks) chipped together and bought all the girls/women in the hall roses. One per a female was taped to each room door around 4 in the morning. Donovan had a hand in it, he secretly revealed to us at his own risk. It was supposed to big secret, though a bit obvious that the night owls did it. And Donovan is one of the worst night owls I know. Anyway, everyone else in the Group (yes, I decided to make it a proper noun) paired off with their respective boyfriends/girlfriends and I was left with a quiet night of watching House and getting to bed early for work today. Not bad if I say so myself.

And now, my book is calling me again. This time it's Eragon by Christopher Paolin. I should probably study more for that exam I have at 10 this morning, but I'm too lazy, and tired. Oh, 90's on both exams from last week, just in case you cared.

Peace, Love and Please, No More Sugar.

Wednesday, February 8, 2006

Hi-ho, the Cherrio!!

I have no idea what that means, it just kinda came to me.

Anyway, how are ya doing this morning? I'm doing alright, just slouched down in this sorry excuse for a chair, trying to keep awake. I'm more than halfway through my shift and I've already finished one assignment and a book. I hope to get some studying done before I'm off and I have to get ready for the long day ahead.

I believe the most exciting thing that happened this weekend was my visit to the Springs. The whole gang came with me, as I stated they probably would last week, and we had a fun time touring the city. I mean, yeah, we had some tough spots, but we also had a very fun day in Manitou and the Garden of the Gods. I think the best part of the weekend was the last few hours of it where it was just Donovan, Fish, Bria and I. I'm very sad to say that the Seahawks lost, but Bria swears the Steelers cheated. I wasn't really going for anyone, I just like watching the game and commercials. We only caught the last half of it, but what I saw was good.

I'm a bit out of it for this email, I must admit. I didn't get to bed as early as I had wanted because I had an exam at 6 last night. It was Chem and I'm not the least bit worried about it. I was the second to finish, and that's just cause I waited until someone else stood up before I did. It only took me 15 minutes, I wasn't sure that was a good or bad thing. I have another exam today, Psyhc, and I just need to do some reading for it. It's going to be a memory exam, which means I just have to memorize all the facts. Considering my willingness to read lately, it shouldn't be a problem.

Yeah, I've been reading a lot lately. I finished the sixth Harry Potter last week and yes, I cried like a babe. I had reread the series before I read the newest one, and I'm glad I did because I hadn't remembered a lot. I just finished Memoirs of a Geisha (I wanted to read it before I saw it), and I'm very much reminded of a book I read my freshman year. I can't remember the title, sorry Mr. H, but I remember the cover well, lol. Anyway, Memoirs is a good book, if you're into reading foreign stories.

The thing that really gets me about that book is that it's fiction. I got halfway through it before I realized that while the book was first-person, the author was a male. After reading up on it, I found out Arthur Golden wrote his story with a considerable amount of research, only one source being a geisha. The geisha he interviewed wasn't the one he wrote about, for Sayuri is an invited character. But nonetheless, he writes the story so well that I had to remind myself at the end that it was indeed fiction. Throughout the book, everything seems a bit random, barely held together through the horrible things that happen to the main character. There is an antagonist and Sayuri is obviously the protagonist, but there are also numerous character whose roles seem to be nothing and those whose seem to be everything. While the ending is slightly abrupt when compared with the elaboration of the rest of the book, it makes for a perfect, and slightly surprising, conclusion to Sayuri's life. If you have any interest in seeing the movie, I suggest reading the book first. It's a rather quick read (which isn't saying a lot considering how fast I read) and you'll be hard-pressed to put it down even at the end. I must warn, though, that considering the nature of some parts of the book, younger readers should be advised against this book. I would say 15 and above. Also, it could kinda be perceived as a chick-book, so yeah.

I'm throwing this in randomly, I know, but I want to give a shout out this week to two very important people. Firstly, everyone give it up for my mom who has now moved into a new house without almost any support in packing and unpacking. I wish I could have helped more, but thankfully I had to go back to school. Heh. Second, to Mr. H who is sadly leaving Palmer for bigger and hopefully better things. I wish ya luck beyond the stars, Hamlar.

Alright, so that was mostly an email about a book. A few final notes, if I might. First, thank you to the three people, yes three, that sent me a reply after last week's email. I must say that while I am disappointed, I'm not really surprised. Secondly, could someone please send me the email of Marsha? I know she wants to receive these, but no one has sent me her address yet. And third, though it's early:



Wednesday, February 1, 2006

Here It Comes Again...

Well good morning. And how are you doing today? Good, I hope. I am doing very well considering it's 4 in the morning here. Exceedingly well. See, I have discovered that if you move your sleep schedule forward about 7 or so hours and be consistent with it, getting up a 2:30am is not a big deal. Granted... I do climb off my loft on mornings like these, hit the snooze button and curl up on my couch, but that's why I set the alarm for 2:30 instead of 2:50. My friends aren't too pleased with me hitting the hay at 7pm, but that's because my room was the usual hang out till around midnight. The way I see it, though, is that they still get to spend time hanging out with me. I do all the work I can (basically everything that doesn't involve my computer) while working, so in the afternoons, I'm free as a bird to do whatever the gang wants to do. These 4 hours of silent work is actually really convenient because I have 4 hours of blissful study time, which I am curre! ntly taking a break from.

So aside from my crazy sleep schedule which I just decided to justify to all of you, what have I been up to this past week? Simple, I've been trying to stay aware in my classes. I thought I had boring classes last semester but they have nothing on this semesters classes. Everything I'm taking this semester I've either already had before or is a freshman level course (snore). My stats notes now have interesting cartoon characters all over them and I'm seriously considering using that class today to make a comic for the buggers. My health notes are non-existent and my discrete structures notes are full of typos and doodles. The only class I feel like I'm learning anything is Chemistry, but all I'm really learning is review (you were such an awesome teacher Ms. Smith that I could probably sleep through class and read the book and still pass with an A). My psych class is, well... yeah. We're learning about the brain now, which! is fine, but I swear the professor has a memory lapse because half the things she says is an exact repeat from a previous, or sometimes the current, lesson.

So those are my classes. The only really other exciting thing is that the gang has decided to start playing my stress relief game, Ragnarok. It's kinda weird to be showing and teaching them to play a game that I've never played with anyone I've known before. It was my personal pass time, ya know? Like Rachel and Bria did weird art things when they wanted to de-stress on their own, Fish went off and was Fish, Tirrel runs or bikes or swims, and Beth slept. I played Ragnarok. Well now Bria, Fish, and Beth play Ragnarok too. It's funny, though, because it's an online game (meaning you play with people from all over the world) and we're all playing within walking (or shouting) distance of each other. So we decided that our characters would all look alike, which is really funny considering Fish's is male! , and that we would only ever play with at least another member of the group. Oh, and none of us speak English in the game. The version we play has a lot of Germans and Brazilians, so we decided we'd pretend to play as French people. Bria taught me a few sentences, like "nous somme Francaise" and "d'accorde" and we just have a ball with it. People always wanna talk to us cause we all look the same, but we pretend we don't understand them and start speaking in French and really broken English (We is of Francaise). The laughter can be heard all the way on the third floor, I'm sure.

So whose pumped for the Superbowl?! Wooo!!!

Ok, so I'm not really that pumped for it, I mean the Broncos aren't in it and after watching the play-off game two weeks ago, it's obvious they shouldn't be. Bria is an avid Seahawks fan, so we're all cheering them on for our own safety (Bria has a very way of convincing us to follow her: her purse h! urts when it collides with your head).

Kidding. She just glares at us and screams louder for the Seahawks.

So yeah, we're all heading down to the Springs to catch the game with my mom, bro and Crystal (his serious girlfriend). We'll be swinging through various points of interests as well, like the Garden of the Gods and the bowling alley. Amy, also be aware that we will probably be arriving on your doorstep sometime this weekend as well. Everyone's coming at this point, I think, including Donovan! If our lives were a sitcom, he'd be the next door neighbor who shows up every other episode or so. He's been spending a lot of time around lately, though, spending quite a few hours on the couch. Everyone else thought it was weird at first, but he does this periodically. I would say I would send a picture, but I left my camera at home so I'll be grabbing it this weekend. I really wish I had brought it the first time I came back u! p, though, cause it's been a funny week. Tirrell cut Beth's hair one day, in the shower stall with the trash can. She did a really good job, too, considering it's now 6 inches shorter and really, REALLY cute.

So yeah, this email has kinda been everywhere this morning. Sorry about that. I'll try and be more even next time, it's just a bit distracting because the pipes are making a lot of noise this morning. That and this keyboard isn't the greatest ever, nor the computer. I'm going to head back into homework land and take a few online quizzes. They're all I got left for homework, unless you count those 4 essays which aren't due till March, but whose counting those, right?

I hope you all have a very eventful week until I send again and I've decided I want you to send me pictures. That's right, you heard me! I'm assigning you all homework. I wanna see recent pictures or at least some sort of response that you're still ! alive and I'm not sending these emails to a trash bin somewhere. Tell me what's new, what you're doing for the Superbowl, the summer months, spring break, anything I don't already know about.

Love, Peace, and Don't You Just Love Online Radio?

P.S.- Yes, I did say free hoody last week because, yes, I received a free LiveLifeLate hoody for working the Casino night that first week back. So there ya go.