Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Yes, I Do Own a Dress

And heels too.

Cisco was added to the Dow Jones recently to replace GM. To celebrate my friends and I decided to dress up and hit the town in style. When I mentioned to the organizer that I was planning on attending and would have to pick what to wear, he said something along the lines of "Oh, I mean, don't worry too much about it. I mean, do you even own a skirt?" The only reply to this was, of course, to glare and vow that I would not only show up in a skirt but I would do him one better and arrive in a dress. Accessories, as well. He used this knowledge to fuel other people to dress up as well, stating simply "Even Tiffany is wearing a dress!" Now to the pictures.

From left to right: Shaun (coworker, Donovan's twin, one of "the boys"); Stephine (Virgina's roommate); Ben/Lodi/White Ben (coworker, one of "the boys"); Virgina (coworker, photographer, friend); Me; Dennis (organizer, coworker, friend); .. some guy.. Alex? (coworker, I think).

This is my (and most everyone's) favorite picture of me from the party. She took it when I wasn't paying attention, obviously, and the funny thing is the one right after it where I posed was HORRIBLE. It's now my profile picture a lot of places.

We went to iHop afterwards for the after-party and "omg I'm starving" get together. I've never been to an iHop with 18 people cramming into seating meant for 12 before. It was hilariously fun. My camera was one of the only ones left by this time and it got passed around a bit. When I got it back and took the pictures off, I was pleased to find gems like this one. This is my favorite picture from the whole iHop adventure. Brian (just met him that night) is the guy right up in the shot and Venkat (softball "manager") is standing. I think I asked him something about ties to get him to turn and look at me.. I'm not sure, but I do know that sometime near when this picture was taken, we all stole the guy's ties and practiced tying them. I was the only female who had some prior knowledge.

No, I did not wear those shoes the whole night. I drove, as usual, and was smart enough to toss my flip flops in the back of the car before we left. I wore heels most the night.. my calves were sore the next day/that day (I didn't get home until 4:30). There are a lot of awesome things going on in this picture. All I have to add is that yes, Shaun is most always that amusing.

Last but not least, that picture. I have no idea what Josh (Sonia's husband & my Yahoo! softball teammate) was telling Ben(/Katie/Asian Ben, coworker & one of "the boys"), but I do know that I couldn't not take a picture of him telling it.

So I just realized that I mentioned a LOT of stuff that you guys may or may not already know. Like I have a group of guys that I hang out with that I refer to as "my/the boys", that I play on a Yahoo! softball team, that I rarely wear skirts (okay, you knew that already), or that I got a new tattoo (did ya notice it in one of the pics?). I'm going to try and get better, I swear, about updating. What you don't realize is that I've been writing bits and pieces of blog posts and saving them as drafts to come back to later. I just never seem to come back to them.. I'll try, though.

Peace, Love, and thank you Aunt Jeannie for turning me on to White House/Black Market!