Friday, August 19, 2005

Moving to CSU

Hey Ya'll,

I thought it would be genius if I made an email contact group that I could send emails to letting
people know I'm not dying at CSU. That and when I'd be coming into town, stuff like that.

This is the first email out to you all, so just send me back an email if you wish to be removed from my lovely little list. I just added the people in my contacts that I would like to stay in touch with. In case you're wondering, this is the email I will be using in college, so yeah, feel free to shoot me an email anytime.

Alright, it's 12:25am and I move up to Fort Collins is about.. oh... 4 hours. So yeah, maybe I should get some more sleep (I took a 7 hour nap today: no, I'm not lazy at all).

Love, Peace, and Good will towards men (Ain't that Christmas?)

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