Wednesday, November 9, 2005

Ten Bucks Trivia

Alright. I will give ten bucks to whom ever can guess where I'm sending this email from. Fish, you're excluded. So's anyone else that is in Fort Collins right now.

So the semester is coming to a break and it's getting a little bit more crazy than before. Last weekend was the first in a long time that I was able to just sit back and chill without having to worry about driving home. I was supposed to go on a camping trip with friends, but I decided to decline after I realized how much of that time I could use for sleeping and doing homework.

Don't get me wrong, I do have a pretty good system going for the work I'm getting. I mean, it's nothing unreleasable. It's just that every week I have a Physics homework assignment due Tuesday at midnight and it usually takes about 7 hours to do the whole thing. He gives us a little under a week to do it. In Java I have a lab due every Wednesday by midnight and it really depends on the type of lab as to how long it'll take me to do. Then there's the reading for my Asian American History class every week, about 50 pages a week. Tuesdays are my Physics lab days, which I have to prep for before hand. Lately I've had a paper due for History every other week or so and an exam about once a month. Yeah, that's what's happening tomorrow, my last History exam. See, right now I have a History project which counts as my final grade, a history exam to study for, a website to make for the CS department and my CS192 class, and my research paper I have to do to get paid. Yet, here I am, typing up this email in a unique location at 2 in the morning.

What's everyone's Thanksgiving looking like? I know what'll be for you Florida-bunnies, but how about everyone else? Anyone?...

Oh! I have to gloat! I just kicked Miles' butt in chess! He was really confident going in, but he started losing it when I wouldn't fall for his traps. He's challenged me to a rematch as soon as I'm awake and have the time. Ahh... time. It's an eluding creature, that seems to exist in excessive amounts at night only. I dunno. I'd be way too bored if I didn't have that much to do.

OK, I'm cutting it short cause I have to drive back to the campus and find a parking place before my eyes fall closed for the evening. Type to y'all later.

Love, Peace, and Coffee,

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