Monday, September 12, 2005

Some Pictures With This One

I'm doing this email in two parts, so sorry guys if it gets a bit weird. I've attached some pictures of my room and some of my friends. The picture with the interesting "cake" is when we made a cake for Tirrel out of animal crackers and other sweets. She just turned 18, so we had to celebrate. In that picture, Rachel is the one with the glass, Bria the one without. Beth is in the last picture with Rachel, I think. Sorry about the weird angles and the darkness in the pictures. My camera is evil....

Alright, I'm going to pause the email and now eat breakfast. This shall continue either during or after my Seminar.

And now it's after!

Alright, so last week's classes were fine. I've learned that yes, it is best to do the homework before it's due and that yes, it's very easy to skip my math class and not miss anything. It's also very convenient that the gym is less than a block away. Also, the swimming pool is packed the later it gets.

Um.. aside from classes this week I attended a seminar and wrote my first paper. Woot. We also threw a surprise birthday party for Tirrel (hints the animal cracker cake) and had a slumber party. I'll have to send pictures of that next week. Oh! We also found out that smores can be made with lighters, you'll just run out of lighter fluid after the fifth one. If anyone would like to send a non-scented candle that would last a long time, that would be awesome. I think I'm going to bring my oil candle back up with me when I go home in October. We've also learned to take advantage of the to-go boxes in the dining halls. I still have food left over from last week. Finally, I finally used my dad's popcorn popper. It always burns the second batch, though. Anyone got any suggestions?

The first Live Life Late was Friday. It wasn't a huge success... but it was a success. For some reason we decided to not go with the Foam party and instead had an Open Mic night. We had four people, I think, and then we did some improv just to eat up time. The whole thing was over with around 10:30, even though it was supposed to go till 1. That's alright though cause we still had a blast. This week's event is a relief concert for hurricane victims. It's on Thursday night, so if you try to call, I won't get it. If you can't tell, I'm really into getting involved with activities. The hall painting is on hold until I can finish with my Colorado Springs client's websites, but I should be done with Michael's here in the next week.

This has turned out to be a massive email, but I guess that's alright cause the last one was so short.

Love, Peace and Free Water Bottles,

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