Sunday, September 25, 2005

The Time You've All Been Waiting For

Alright, folks! It's that time of the week! Time for Tar's weekly update!!!! (Can you hear the cheers? I can!)

Alright! Let's start at the beginning of the week! On Monday I had my first ever college math exam! Woot! Was I ever nervous! But, no worries! I flew through the exam, receiving a 100%. 50/50. All correct answers. Yeah, I'm still a bit pumped about that one.

Tuesday and Wednesday, I'm not sure what I really did, so it must have just been classes and junk.

Thursday I had my first ever physics college exam. Now, I wasn't as worried on that one, and for good cause. I didn't do as good on it as I did on the math exam, however. Only got a 97% :(. It's all good though, it didn't really bring my grade down any.

Thursday was also the day of the Pep Rally that Live Life Late put on, but I was in the exam so I didn't get to go to it. Apparently, it flopped. So, yeah. But! I did go to the movie after wards. Which also flopped. We have to figure out how to get more people coming to these events. I think Thursday was also the day I cleaned "house." I made Fish chuckle and my roommates look at me strange. I did all the dishes, vacuumed, and picked up around the room. And then! I cooked Fish fried Ramen. Who said you couldn't get creative with Ramen? And no, I didn't cook in the dorm room. We have a student kitchen in this hall and it's not exactly big and great, but it's better than a microwave by a long shot.

Friday I went to my two classes and the study abroad fair. I've been looking at doing at least a semester abroad now for a few years. I got a bunch of information on Asia exchanges and also one booklet on Semesters at Sea. I'm not sure which I'm going to do, but there's a good program in Shanghai that's drawing my attention if I don't go with the Semester at Sea. There are some awesome countries planned for upcoming trips with the Semester at Sea group. Besides, why visit one country when you can visit 10?

Saturday, yesterday, was the Computer Science Department's picnic. Not only did I go for the free food, but I also went to play softball. It was the Undergrads against the Grads and facility. Well, not really. There were only 4 Undergrads, so it ended up old verses young, kinda. I got to play catcher the entire game, for both sides, so I also got to throw the most and my arm is feeling it this morning. And, no, I wasn't unfair to either side. I even got a guy out on my team when I caught his foul ball. Granted, I wasn't really thinking when I did it, but my team still let me play for them. After they pulled my chain a bit, of course.

So! After the picnic I studied, which I'm going to go do after I send this email out. I have my first ever History exam Wednesday and the review is tomorrow, so I have to study. I also have some math and physics homework. Oh! It just dawned on me earlier this week that after I pay this last tuition payment, I need to start earning money for next semester! If any of you know anyone that's looking at getting a website made and wouldn't mind working long distance, let me know. And no, please don't just send me money, folks. I wanna work my way through college and while typing out this email every week is a bit of work, it's not enough for me to feel justified if you just give me the money. So, yeah. Web Design and development is my game, money is my aim!

Love, Peace, and sore arms!

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