Tuesday, September 6, 2005

A LIttle Late, I Blame the Computer

So, the internet in my room isn't working, so I couldn't really send out my weekly email when I wanted to. So, now I'm sending it during my Java class. Shhh... the TA doesn't care.

I'm now in my third week and already wishing I could finish all my work. I finished one of my client's webpages, one to go while I'm starting to working on a new one. The CS Department discovered that I did websites so they've roped me into making them a new Publications database. At least I'm getting paid, right?

You'd be so proud of me! Someone... Lol. I've already started picking at my professors. I called my Physics professor today during his lunch and moaned about his stupid homework program. Trust me, none of you would like it.

Uh-oh, the next class is starting soon and I told Fish I would leave before his stomach ate through his flesh (He forgots to eat in order to sleep more. Can we say lazy?). So yeah, it's short, it's sweet, and it's incomplete!


P.S. Going to be in Fort Collings Friday? Check out the Foam party from 9pm-11pm! LLL is hosting.

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