Well good morning. And how are you doing today? Good, I hope. I am doing very well considering it's 4 in the morning here. Exceedingly well. See, I have discovered that if you move your sleep schedule forward about 7 or so hours and be consistent with it, getting up a 2:30am is not a big deal. Granted... I do climb off my loft on mornings like these, hit the snooze button and curl up on my couch, but that's why I set the alarm for 2:30 instead of 2:50. My friends aren't too pleased with me hitting the hay at 7pm, but that's because my room was the usual hang out till around midnight. The way I see it, though, is that they still get to spend time hanging out with me. I do all the work I can (basically everything that doesn't involve my computer) while working, so in the afternoons, I'm free as a bird to do whatever the gang wants to do. These 4 hours of silent work is actually really convenient because I have 4 hours of blissful study time, which I am curre! ntly taking a break from.
So aside from my crazy sleep schedule which I just decided to justify to all of you, what have I been up to this past week? Simple, I've been trying to stay aware in my classes. I thought I had boring classes last semester but they have nothing on this semesters classes. Everything I'm taking this semester I've either already had before or is a freshman level course (snore). My stats notes now have interesting cartoon characters all over them and I'm seriously considering using that class today to make a comic for the buggers. My health notes are non-existent and my discrete structures notes are full of typos and doodles. The only class I feel like I'm learning anything is Chemistry, but all I'm really learning is review (you were such an awesome teacher Ms. Smith that I could probably sleep through class and read the book and still pass with an A). My psych class is, well... yeah. We're learning about the brain now, which! is fine, but I swear the professor has a memory lapse because half the things she says is an exact repeat from a previous, or sometimes the current, lesson.
So those are my classes. The only really other exciting thing is that the gang has decided to start playing my stress relief game, Ragnarok. It's kinda weird to be showing and teaching them to play a game that I've never played with anyone I've known before. It was my personal pass time, ya know? Like Rachel and Bria did weird art things when they wanted to de-stress on their own, Fish went off and was Fish, Tirrel runs or bikes or swims, and Beth slept. I played Ragnarok. Well now Bria, Fish, and Beth play Ragnarok too. It's funny, though, because it's an online game (meaning you play with people from all over the world) and we're all playing within walking (or shouting) distance of each other. So we decided that our characters would all look alike, which is really funny considering Fish's is male! , and that we would only ever play with at least another member of the group. Oh, and none of us speak English in the game. The version we play has a lot of Germans and Brazilians, so we decided we'd pretend to play as French people. Bria taught me a few sentences, like "nous somme Francaise" and "d'accorde" and we just have a ball with it. People always wanna talk to us cause we all look the same, but we pretend we don't understand them and start speaking in French and really broken English (We is of Francaise). The laughter can be heard all the way on the third floor, I'm sure.
So whose pumped for the Superbowl?! Wooo!!!
Ok, so I'm not really that pumped for it, I mean the Broncos aren't in it and after watching the play-off game two weeks ago, it's obvious they shouldn't be. Bria is an avid Seahawks fan, so we're all cheering them on for our own safety (Bria has a very way of convincing us to follow her: her purse h! urts when it collides with your head).
Kidding. She just glares at us and screams louder for the Seahawks.
So yeah, we're all heading down to the Springs to catch the game with my mom, bro and Crystal (his serious girlfriend). We'll be swinging through various points of interests as well, like the Garden of the Gods and the bowling alley. Amy, also be aware that we will probably be arriving on your doorstep sometime this weekend as well. Everyone's coming at this point, I think, including Donovan! If our lives were a sitcom, he'd be the next door neighbor who shows up every other episode or so. He's been spending a lot of time around lately, though, spending quite a few hours on the couch. Everyone else thought it was weird at first, but he does this periodically. I would say I would send a picture, but I left my camera at home so I'll be grabbing it this weekend. I really wish I had brought it the first time I came back u! p, though, cause it's been a funny week. Tirrell cut Beth's hair one day, in the shower stall with the trash can. She did a really good job, too, considering it's now 6 inches shorter and really, REALLY cute.
So yeah, this email has kinda been everywhere this morning. Sorry about that. I'll try and be more even next time, it's just a bit distracting because the pipes are making a lot of noise this morning. That and this keyboard isn't the greatest ever, nor the computer. I'm going to head back into homework land and take a few online quizzes. They're all I got left for homework, unless you count those 4 essays which aren't due till March, but whose counting those, right?
I hope you all have a very eventful week until I send again and I've decided I want you to send me pictures. That's right, you heard me! I'm assigning you all homework. I wanna see recent pictures or at least some sort of response that you're still ! alive and I'm not sending these emails to a trash bin somewhere. Tell me what's new, what you're doing for the Superbowl, the summer months, spring break, anything I don't already know about.
Love, Peace, and Don't You Just Love Online Radio?
P.S.- Yes, I did say free hoody last week because, yes, I received a free LiveLifeLate hoody for working the Casino night that first week back. So there ya go.