Wednesday, February 15, 2006

This is a Yawn in Email Form

Good morning. If I could somehow send a yawn with this email, I surely would. I must apologize now for my language. I have been reading fantasy books this last week, and I fear the latest's vocabulary might be encroaching on my own. Actually, I'm fairly positive it has, reading that last sentence. Anyway, good morning and happy belated Valentine's Day. I hope that you had a pleasant holiday with your loved ones, I know I enjoyed mine.

A lot has happened in the past week that I think would be rather interesting to you, even more so if I had the fortune of having pictures. I sadly got Donovan hooked on Scrubs, so currently most of my evenings are filled with hospital jokes and staring at a screen. I've watched the entire series before, and while I do love it, I must admit that I would rather be wrapped up in a good book. Of course, if I'm not working, in class, or sleeping, I'm probably reading. I've really picked up in my reading this semester and have finished another book since the last email. I'm pretty sure I'll finish another today sometime.

While I know some of you may not have enjoyed my book review as others, I just want to put this out there: The DiscWorld series by Terry Prachett. I highly recommend it to Joel and Ryan, and whoever else that enjoys a good fantasy read that picks on everything possibly imaginable dealing with fantasy. The series so far includes about 15 books, and there are several different reading orders of the books. I have a suggested reading order chart, which I've attached to this email for those who are interested. I would say that the ages for this series would be about 15 up.

Anyway, so yes, my time has been consumed with reading (pleasure and homework), working (though not nearly as much as I should be), Ragnarok (level 48 Mage, go me), and entertaining tidbits in the past week. I think the most interesting, and slightly sickening event would be when Bria and I decided to make cookies and decorate them. Don't get me wrong, the cookies turned out great. The sickening part was all that sugar. I could only eat rice for dinner that night, I was so sugared out. We made chocolate chip and sugar cookies, and decorated ALL of them with frosting. It was whipped frosting and we added various food dyes so that we had colored and plain frosting. We also hand made the cookies into shapes so that in the end, we had, no lie, hearts, stars, horseshoes, clovers and blue moons. We also had some feet (thank you Rachel) and a few flowers (to that we owe Bria). I have a feeling we were loved by the office staff that day, and hated at the same time because the smell of fresh cookies was present for quite a while. Of course, we didn't offer them any... Oops. As well, being college students lacking a proper kitchen, we had to apply the frosting with fingers and everyone knows the natural response when one's fingers are coated in sweets: lick them. My head hurt so bad after an hour I couldn't speak straight. Everyone loved our cookies, though, and the two I had were great, though enough for sugar induced comas, I'm sure.

In an attempt to burn off all that sugar and improve my skating skills, I've started to skate at the University's in-line hockey rink. After perfecting my backwards skill, Bria and I discovered that we could rent hockey sticks and a ball from the Rec Center. Needless to say, we've been playing off and on all week. And I have yet to score on her as much as she on me. Oh, I can out skate her and maneuver and maintain the puck for longer. The problem is I'm a terrible shot. I'm talking missing the goal by feet, not inches. It's no wonder now why I was always defense.

Terrible transition here, but thank you everyone who sent me pictures this last week. And email in general. I have enjoyed them all and am sorry if I have not replied to you directly, but take comfort in the fact that I've replied to no one, heh. What can I say? I'm not a huge fan of email. I prefer the instant gratification of Instant Messaging and phone calls. Yes, I know it's terrible that email is too slow for me. Too bad, I'm a hip new age kid and that's the way it's going to be! Heh.

Alright, last bit, I swear. I know you're probably all wondering what I did on V-Day, but sadly, nothing really special. The only remotely special thing I did was swing into Safeway while running an errand for Tirrel and buy Valentines for my hall mates. I also gave some to my friends and put a bright blue horse tattoo on my forehead for a few hours yesterday. It's gone now, but I feel that it did it's job in making people wonder about my sanity. See, the Valentines I bought were pony ones, like elementary kids hand out, and each one had a pony temporary tattoo. How could I not apply one in a very obvious place? I mean, it's me. Also, the boys/men of Newsom (place I live, folks) chipped together and bought all the girls/women in the hall roses. One per a female was taped to each room door around 4 in the morning. Donovan had a hand in it, he secretly revealed to us at his own risk. It was supposed to big secret, though a bit obvious that the night owls did it. And Donovan is one of the worst night owls I know. Anyway, everyone else in the Group (yes, I decided to make it a proper noun) paired off with their respective boyfriends/girlfriends and I was left with a quiet night of watching House and getting to bed early for work today. Not bad if I say so myself.

And now, my book is calling me again. This time it's Eragon by Christopher Paolin. I should probably study more for that exam I have at 10 this morning, but I'm too lazy, and tired. Oh, 90's on both exams from last week, just in case you cared.

Peace, Love and Please, No More Sugar.

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