Friday, June 2, 2006

Nothing Like Humidity..

That title says it all, people. I mean, really. Who would have thought that the south-east could be so hot and humid? It's like.. it's like it's a whole other part of the world or something. Go figure.

Anyway, yes, I am in North Carolina. I made it on time and in one piece. I have successfully moved in to my apartment, met my roommates and advisers, and gotten to know a lot of new people. So far, I can tell that I'm going to have an awesome summer, so much better then working at Panera all summer.

I'm going to toss this out there, mainly as an excuse, but I'm kinda tired right now. So if there's any typos or terrible grammar, sue me. Actually, just ignore it. I'm too broke to get sued. Hehe.

Okay! Run through of what to tell you peeps: Nanny and Papaw Thomas are da best; Hamilton is the world's best English teacher, and cake is a great way to start a party.

First things first (even though they're the latest), why Nanny and Papaw are the bomb diggity. As some of you might know, Nanny and Papaw were at a concert this last week, up in this part of the country. They were awesome enough to swing by last night and take me out to dinner. The real kicker, though, is that they took me to the store and bought me much needed dishes. Because, you see, foolish me thought that the school would provide things like pots and pans for the students who had to travel here.. go figure. But yes, they allowed me to drive them to the store so I could pick up the goods, a huge help considering I don't have a car. It wouldn't be a big deal in Colorado, but here, the campus is a bit far from the stores. So yes, huge thanks to Nanny and Papaw. And, of course to Mary and.. shoot, I forgot her name!! Oh no! Well, to Mary and her friend who willingly came along for the ride.

As far as Hamilton being the best English teacher, he rose to the call a few weeks ago and sent me some reading suggestions. And I must say, I loved Still Life with Woodpecker by Tom Robbins. It's an interesting read, and I want to recommend it to people, but honestly, I don't know if any of you would like it very much. Robbins' writing style is a bit different, to say the least. But, yes, I just wanted to finally give a shout-out to Hamlar.

Now the cake story is of course, typical me. Some of the girl's that live down the hall from me and are working on this project baked a cake Monday night. My roommate and I smelled it while rollerblading down the hall, and swung in to have a piece. One thing lead to another and the next thing you know I'm knocking on every door in the hall, inviting people to come over and have some cake. I think in total we got about 12 people to come over and get some. We all talked about what we're doing here for the summer and decided we should all get together for a barbecue on the weekends, cause there is absolutely nothing else here to do then. So, yeah. First 2 days and I've already managed to organize something which involved the hall. That was the first sign that this is going to be an awesome summer.

The second sign was of course what I'm doing here. Basically, I'm making a computer game that teaches students how to use computers. And I get to design it however I want. So far I've built a few basic games, just trying to learn the editor, but hopefully my team and I plan on getting one or two teaching games started by the end of the week. We'll see how that goes...

I wish I had pictures to send to all of you, but I have yet to get a camera that will do justice to what I photograph. I may or may not get one while I'm here, we'll have to wait and see. But for now, I'll see if I can steal the photos my co-workers have taken.

As promised: - Bailey in her pool - Tom and Crystal in his new backyard - The yard at night

Alright, catch you on the flip-side.

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