Thursday, April 13, 2006

Day Late and A Day Awake

Okay, so I'm sorry I didn't send this out last night, but I wasn't working, so I didn't have the time to do it. My mommy was in town and I traded shifts so that I could spend time with her and not worry about having to get up at 2. That and I kinda wanted to see what it would be like to actually be awake for a Discrete Structures exam.

Alright, so first thing's first, let's all welcome Vinna (and probably Chris and Catlin) to this little email list. Vinna is the woman who has so graciously offered to let me live in her home for the next few years. That and hang out with her daughter (there's that whole babysitting and nanny thing, too, but who's counting that?). Second thing, the shift key is a bit funny this morning, so I'm warning you now for those kinda typos.

Um, let's see. I think I'll frist send out a music recommendation to all you music lovers out there. I have a feeling a lot of you will enjoy this site, given to me by Tom. The URL is and the general idea of the site is to create personal radio stations that get you in touch with more of the music you love by new artists. You simply sign-up (it's free, of course) and then select an artist or song title that you want your station to sound like. The site will then play you a ton of music that is like what you wanted, and you can rate the songs as you go. If you rate a song as 'liked', they'll play more like it. If you rate it as 'don't like' they won't play it again or anything like it. So far this morning I've been introduced to three new artists that I like and think worthy of CD purchase. So there ya go.

I've been trying to think what happened in the last week that was exciting, and I know something did happen. I just can't for the life of me remember. I know Wednesday we went skating and I played the arcade games more than anything. Thursday I slept and can't really remember what I did that night.

Friday I went home for my b-day (yes, it was my b-day) and had dinner at PF Chang's with Tom, Crystal, Tim and Mom. It was a very good dinner and thanks to Tom, I now have the world's longest Suduko puzzle. 21 feet. We'll see how far I get on it this summer. I also purchased the new Kingdom Hearts video game. I love it.. if only I had more time to play. I logged 10 hours last weekend, but I haven't played since Sunday morning. Saturday I slept in (oh it felt SO good) and hung out with my Mom. Sunday I drove back up and then played tour guide for some junior high school students and their mom. It was an enjoyable evening, and I've been told my tour is better than the one CSU provides. What can I say? I believe in showing you the real college experience, golf in the courtyard of Corbett and all.

Monday I went to class. Tuesday, Mom came up and took Donovan and I to dinner. And she bought me a longboard for my b-day. Whahaha. I haven't died yet on it, but I've come close, I must admit. It's a very good board and I'm just not used to riding on one that has such loose trucks. Becca's (the one I've been riding up and down the hall) turns nicely but not nearly as easy as mine. It's taking some time to get used to the better turning radius. We also visit Vinna's and Mom saw where I will be living, and met Vinna and Catlin. I'm assuming it was a good meeting because Vinna and my Mom talked for about half an hour? I can't remember how long, I just know it was a good long conversation.

Um, yesterday I went to class and actually managed to stay awake for it all. Had dindin with Mom again (thank you, again) and did some homework. Then, the girls and I went to a sneak preview of American Dreamz. I don't think I've laughed that hard at a new movie in a long time. It was great. I must warn, it is a parody on Bush, American Idol, Arabs, and America in general. In other words, don't watch it unless you're open minded and have a sense of humor.

Dum, dum. I have no idea what else to write. Sorry this isn't up to par with my normal emails, but I can promise pictures in next week's (Rachie got two rolls developed this week, I just haven't scanned them in yet).

So yeah (can you tell I like that phrase this morning), I'm going to read! Yeah... Eldest is a great book. So addicting...

Love, Peace, and When was the last time I signed like this?

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