Wednesday, April 5, 2006

Extra Crunchy Morning

I'm so disappointed in all of you. No one was able to guess where last week's title came from. It probably didn't help that the title was not sung.. but, yeah. All of you Moulin Rouge fans should be ashamed of yourselfs. Now, to try and redeem yourselfs, someone should tell me why I titled the email as such today. Hint: I had an apple this morning, along with something else.

Alrighty!! I tell you what, this week has been exciting! But before I get into that, this is a HUGE shout out to Nanny Gail, who has responded to every email I've sent out in the last month and a half. See? And you said no one read this things... Pfft.

Anyway, this last week. Well, I'll start with what happened first, which of course would be classes. Now, I've attached a scanned copy of my notes from my 8am class last Wednesday. You might laugh, but that little dude is everywhere on my notes for that class. He really likes to show up on Wednesdays, usually with coffee in hand. I decided to scan him in and attach him today because 1) I know you love to get pictures, and 2) so that you folks and see what I really do in class. The really funny thing is, half the time he ends up on my notes, I don't remember putting him there. I think that's what I'm doing while I'm zoning out, honestly.

After my little alter ego appeared on my notes, I of course went through the rest of my Wednesday, taking a nice long nap around noon and then doing homework and going skating later that night. This week's skating session was a lot more enjoyable considering that Cox came with us. Which reminds me of another thing that happened Wednesday. Now, most of you don't know this, but Rachel, Beth and I all live on the first floor in the last rooms on our hall. We are quite used to people coming up to our windows to talk to us. I've often given Donovan answers to karate class questions through mine. Well, Cox stopped by Wednesday afternoon to say hi and make sure we were still on for skating. Sadly for him, some cops were driving by and saw him. You guessed it, Cox got stopped by the cops while running around to the other side of the building to talk to me through my window. We eventually noticed and got him off the hook, but not before he was questioned and held up by the police. If you knew Cox, you would know how sad and utterly hilarious the whole thing was, because while he looks a bit creepy (balding 20 year old with light orange hair), he's actually the sweetest guy we know. The really funny thing is, Fish got stopped by a cop later in the week for trying to get into our hall by tailing people. I got him off the hook, but it was still really funny to see him stopped for something he's done ALL YEAR long.

So that was Wednesday. Thursday I went and hung out with Catlin, the little girl that I will be a nanny for next semester. Yeppers, I got the live-in nanny job, thank you very much to Aunt Jeannie and Amy. I know some of you are still a bit concerned about it, but don't worry! Mom is going to meet the mom and Catlin next week and we're writing a contract so that I don't get taken advantage of. All in all, it should be a very awesomely good thing.

Um, let's see. I can't really remember anything else big, except that I saw V for Vendetta on Saturday night. Holy Cow. That movie is just plain awesome. It made me wanna read 1984 again, that's for sure. I don't recommend it to those under 16, or those of us who don't normally go to movies, but everyone else should go see it. I know one thing, I'm gonna buy it when it comes out on DvD.

Alright, last thing, I swear. I just want to tell you guys about my ultimate college experience last night. It was a beautiful day yesterday, so in the afternoon the girls and I decided to go and throw a frisbee around. We were out there for about 15 minutes before three guys came up and asked to join us. We of course said yes and expanded our circle. About 10 minutes later, one of the guy's wives showed up and joined us. 5 minutes after that, Cox rode by on his bike and we yelled for him to join us. Within 30 minutes of setting out, we had 9 people, 4 of them strangers, playing with 2 frisbees out on the IM fields until the sun set and it was too cold to continue playing barefoot. That, my friends, is the true college experience. It's not the classes, you can take those anywhere. College is about the social setting. It's about complete strangers sitting around a coffee shop talking about anything together. It's about that random guy that just started talking to you in class after about half a semester, just because he wanted to know what you always listened to. It's about an unscheduled hockey game everyday around 6 between strangers. It's about spray painting your pants out by the bike rack. It's about riding up and down your hall on longboards and $10 Walmart skateboards. It's about going to Best Buy an hour before it closes just to play the video games. It's about concerts out on the West Lawn. It's about people drawing, preaching, handing out flyers, and running for office out on the Plaza. It's about frisbee on the IM fields until your toes are numb.


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