Thursday, April 20, 2006

Yeah, So I'm Lazy

I'm lazy because this is the second week I've put off sending this out till Thursday. I dunno why, it's just easier to do this on Thursdays. Something about less homework or something.

Anyway, this week has been kinda exciting. There's been Whole Foods, haircuts, Easter eggs, Gingerbread houses, longboarding, and laziness. I'm gonna warn you that this email is probably going to be terribly short. I just don't really have it in me today, maybe I'm too tired.

I think, though, that the most exciting thing that can be mentioned is that Tirrel cut Beth's hair again. Short. We're talking boy haircut short. And is it ever cute! I'll try and get a picture, along with those that I promised last week. It was done mostly because Cox had Tirrel buzz his head yesterday in the middle of our hall, on my tarp, and Beth decided she wanted summer short hair too. About two hours later, Beth had a considerable amount of hair on the floor. I must admit, I am jealous. I want short hair so bad, even more so after having to deal with these long locks for so long, but I know I'll never look as cute as Beth does. How sad.

Um.. Whole Foods is mentioned because while I have known of it for quite sometime, I had never really been there before. Friday night we spent a full hour at whole foods, trying all the samples, and determined that while it is pricey, it is also very good. So yeah, Whole Foods.

I hope you all had a great Easter, I know I did. I enjoyed sleeping in and a day of complete and utter laziness. Everyone else was home for the weekend, so I enjoyed the hall to myself. I did convince the girls to dye Easter eggs with me on Friday night, and I still have one on my desk which I intend to keep till it begins to smell.

Gingerbread houses is mentioned because last night the girls (Beth and Rachel) and I entered a Gingerbread competition. We won, of course, for our beautiful house. The theme of the competition was International, so we made an Asian house, complete with lanterns, patio-decks, koi pond, zen garden, kanji, and bamboo trees. Oh yeah, it was awesome. It's still on display in the dining center, so maybe I'll take a picture of it and send it along when I manage to get the rest of the pictures up.

Longboarding refers to the several days and afternoons I've committed to longboarding lately. Sunday afternoon I went for a nice long ride, and I must say I'm getting pretty good. I find it easier to ride barefoot then with shoes, so my feet are a little sanded, but I think overall I'm doing better then most. I went riding with Catlin on Monday and it was going well until she fell. She's alright, just some scrapes on her knees and shins, and she reopened a scrape on her one knee, but she's a tough kiddo. Walked all the way back to the house after her fall. Did all the wound-cleaning and stuff herself (with a little coaxing, mind you), so yeah, overall she's a tough cookie.

Okay, so I didn't cut it short, but I do still feel like I short-changed you all cause I just don't feel I've put as much detail and what-not into it. We'll see if next week's is better, but I have a feeling they're going to get worse because finals are coming. That makes it sound like their monsters or something, huh? Well they are. They are..

Love, Peace, and Goldfish are YUMMY,

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