Wednesday, March 15, 2006


So I know I usually send these out at crazy morning hours, but it's spring break, baby! I'm sending it out at crazy night hours now! Go me!!

Alrighty, this week we have the adventure of the ceiling fan, pi day, and of course, the river! For those of you who can't remember anything I say, I'm in Florida this week on spring break. That's right. I flew to Florida to cut lose on sand, surf and sun. Oh, and to visit my grandparents and cousins. (Anyone who knows me will know those two sentences should be flipped.)

So yeah, the great news is that Crystal has received an A+ from about everyone down here. That's right, she's passed the test Tom, stop worrying. For everyone that isn't in Florida (and cares), Tom's girlfriend Crystal can and DOES hold her own against the entire Thomas clan. We're talking Steve, Jeannie, Ryan, Joel, Ethan, Max, George, and Vassie. All at once. I know what you're thinking. No, she isn't a robot he built in his basement.

Which leads me into the adventure of the ceiling fan. Now anyone who knows Florida knows that it's summer year round. Don't let Vassie fool you, it's not as cold down here as you think. So when we all arrived and Tom found that the ceiling fan in his room didn't work, he was a bit worried about the night-time heat. After just one night, he decided he couldn't take it. So Papaw and him went to the hardware store (second time that day) and bought a ceiling fan. Did I mention that it was like 9pm when they got back? Oh, and that we had pretty much lived on the boat that day? Needless to say, we were all exhausted. Well, we all got to talking when they arrived with the fan, so they weren't even ready to install it until about, I dunno, 10:30pm. Alright, okay, so he and Crystal go upstairs to install it. They take down the old fan and Tom takes one look at the wires, sees them arc, and decides they should cut power to that room. No big deal, right? Well guess what! This crazy house has all of its upstairs wiring running through that one single ceiling fan!! Except, of course, the bathroom's. So after they cut the power up there, they try to work in the dark to put up a fan. In the ceiling. In the DARK. With power tools that stop working for them in the middle of it all. So let me put it this way: by about 11:45pm the entire household is upstairs holding lamps and various ceiling fan parts up for Tom who's balanced on a chair and is still trying to secure the main bracket. Papaw finally got the bracket in and then they finished installing the rest a bit after midnight. I know what you're thinking, why didn't some people (like me) just go to bed? Well, I dunno about you, but I need lights to get ready for bed. Especially when all my clothes are in a suitcase spread out on a bed, with my mom's stuff, in the darkest corner of the room. I'd like to report, though, that the fan works rather well and the lights have the ability to blind you like the sun.

Tom loved that fan by the end of the weekend, what with the ability for it to cool his charred skin. That's right, Tommy-boy fried. I can't pick on him too much, though, my nose looked like a tomato for an afternoon. But yes, he fried out on the water that first day. The second day, which was an adventure far too long and involved to write about anywhere but in a book, he remembered to wear some sunscreen. I will tell you this of the second day on the boat: Never, EVER let George Thomas pull you behind his boat while you are holding onto what can only be described as a queen size air mattress tied to it by a long rope. Tom and I learned this lesson the hard way. And while it pains me to let you see these pictures, it's easier than telling you all about it.

Okay, the first attachment is of Crystal and Tom getting onto the raft. Notice the smiles. Now, the second attachment is about 4 minutes later. That splash. Yeah, that's Crystal. See the body part in the middle of it? We think it's her foot. Don't get me wrong! We loved it! But it just goes to show you we're clinically insane because Ethan and his friends wouldn't even do it after two rounds. Tom and I did it about 4 or 5 times each.

The third attachment is the handsome Mr. Max, who couldn't participate in the fun because of a broken collarbone. He's fine, his shoulder just has a weird golf ball like bump of bone growing there right now.

The fourth attachment is Tom being utterly embarrassed at the family cook-out. He was really easy to push around because he was so nervous about the whole Crystal thing. She handled it all way better than him, though. I don't think she blushed nearly a quarter as much as Tom.

The last picture is of Crystal, the cutie. She's probably smiling so big because someone probably just made Tom turn pink again.

Props to Uncle Steve for shooting all of those wonderful pictures, give him a hand folks.

What was the last thing? Oh yeah, pi day! Well, as some of you might know, the math sign pi stands for the irrational number that starts with 3.14. And guess what yesterday's date was! 3/14. So, of course, we must celebrate all that is pi! And what better way than with pie! So last night I went out and got two pies (apple and cherry) and some ice cream, took them back to Steve and Jeannie's, and we celebrated all that is the wonder of pi! Now, normally I celebrate pi day at a Village Inn with Amy and that gang, but I sadly couldn't make it this year, being in Florida and all. So, I hope that they all had a wonderful pi day and celebrated it well!

Alright, folks. I have to send another email out tonight to a family I'm hoping to work for next semester, so I'll talk to you all later. I promise, next week's email will be on time (and probably shorter).

Sun, Sun, and Do I Have A Tan Or What!

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