Wednesday, March 29, 2006

I Hope You Don't Mind That I Put Down These Words...

Okay, special coloring book picture to the first person that sends me back an email saying where today's title comes from.

Other than that, good morning!!! I hope you've had as fun as a week as I have. It's just been packed with ways to avoid studying. Let's see: we've been skating, we've watched movies, we've spent hours at Alley Kat, we've painted pictures and we've taken an exam.

The first one on that list is obvious. The girls and I went back to skating on Wednesday nights, but I tell you what. That rink has grown. Last week the floor was full with older couples. We're talking 60's here folks. It was somewhat entertaining, as well as unnerving.

The second one is almost as obvious as the first, really. Really, there's not a lot else to do around here but study, play games, and watch movies. I think I've seen four in the last week, but I can't be sure that it wasn't more than that. I still have about 2 or 3 on my list that I have yet to see. And holy cow, a door alarm just went off for one of the entrances. That was a wakening moment, let me tell you. Don't worry, it's nothing big. The doors have timers on them, so when they're open too long, they go off with loud, annoying sirens up here at the front desk. That alarm has been going off all semester because the wind keeps the door open too long.

Anyway, third item was Alley Kat. See, I've been trying to get back into my more involved study habits, which requires the use of a large table, something that my room is lacking. So last week I roped about 8 people into going with me to Alley Kat a few times. While they played Uno, Skipbo and Risk (Fish lost, Donovan got second, and Bria won) I studied Chem and Stats. I like to think it's helped me, but alas, not as much as I'd hoped. Skipping ahead to the fifth item, I had an exam last night. I've already figured out my grade and I got an 80. It was a toughy, though. Oh well.

Back to the fourth item on the floor: painting. I'll have to send the picture when I get it off Rachel's camera, but Monday night Bria, Rachel and I went to the art studio. While Bria tried to do her homework, Rachel and I worked our artistic magic on an old canvas. The end result was rather unique, if I say so myself. Rachel painted a very beautiful woman while I painted my patient cartoon alter-ego in blue. The final piece was something I don't think I'll forget for some time.

Oh! To add an item in that isn't on the list! My brother got a new puppy! She's a black/brown lab that has a white spot on her chest. She's the cutest thing yet. And Missy (Tom's kitty) love to play together. Oh! And I would like to take credit for naming her. Okay, maybe Crystal had a say in it too... but either way, the dog is named what I thought was the best name. Her name is Bailey, a name that Crystal and I both came up with before we even had talked together on the matter. And the funny thing is, Bailey responded to her name right away. I guess it was just meant to be.

Because I generally find attachments annoying, that and I'm lazy, the following link is of Bailey and Missy. If the link don't work, blame Tom.


Peace, Love, and I So Want To Be In Bed Right Now,

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